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Weekly Wishes || 3.

I'm just going to brag a little bit but LOOK AT THESE GOALS!!! Seriously, ya'll.. if you're feeling like you need to get more done, I really encourage you to start making lists. and if that just doesn't do it, join this linkup. Just knowing that all these other cool cats who are linking up are cheering me on and holding me accountable to get my stuff together and accomplish really does make all the difference. To you ladies who have been commenting and doing the encouraging- you're really making the difference. I know these aren't like LIFE ALTERING lists, but you know what? being on top of your lists makes you feel accomplished, and that makes me feel happy and less stressed, and I KNOW my family feels that too. So thank you! This is what happened with last week's list:

-Finish my current chapter and rock the test (for real) -done BOOM!
-Send out finished orders & Giveaway CD -done
-Finish mobile order -done
-make 4/10 dreamcatchers -done
-send out thank you's to those who gave to our Hatch My House fund. - done!

first thing I did was knock out that chapter and test. and I totally Aced it. First time. thank you, thank you. I was hoping I could get a little ahead of my game and get through the next chapter as well.. You know, to impress you guys- but I didn't. and that's okay, because I think probably if I had, one of these other goals wouldn't have been met, and those were all very important to do this week. 

The only thing more time consuming than sending out wedding invitations, is sending out the thank you's for your wedding. Do not get me wrong, I am not complaining. We have a BAZILLION going out,and that means we are a blessed x A BAZILLION. I am officially halfway through now that I've got everyone who donated to our Hatch My House fund. (an incredible way of registering for money if you're like us, and have everything you need already.. by the way) You can see this post if you're interested in learning more about that. 

The last things I did were finish up my orders, and send them out with the winner of the NIght Night's album giveaway, and all that was accomplished by Saturday morning. done and done. 

I even started a new book, last night. Dreamy. 

Here are the wishes for this week: 

- Study 3 nights this week (Finding time to study is really difficult when you're running a business, chasing a toddler, and your husband goes to school in the evenings as well.) 
- Plan meals for next week
- bake cookies for Fern's Valentines Day party-done
- Mentally prepare for a new (surprise) hair color. see this post for more details on that, and to vote
- Try a new food
- Find my planner (did I mention I lost this? I am OUTSIDE MY MIND right now. I don't even know what month it is anymore. I can't function this way.) -done (THANK. GOODNESS)
- Find last minute Valentines Day cards for Fern's party. - done

The Nectar Collective

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