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Last Week: in review

Happy Monday again! Can you believe how quickly this week went by? Here are a few highlights from last week, in case you missed out!

images via instagram
* Wedding wear
* The roses in front of our house have bloomed!
* These two after the worst week can still make me feel the flutteries. <3 so thankful for them.
* An early Mother's Day! IN LOVE with this beautiful terrarium my husband bought, and that picture. gah.

it's the little things:
- house sitting on MONDAY and getting a little taste of what our own space will be like
-finding out on TUESDAY that we'll be moving into our new home in June instead of the end of July!
- watering the plants with Fern on WEDNESDAY. I love how sincere she is with each plant making sure they each get a good "dink". melt me.
- after a pretty terrible THURSDAY, ending with fro-yo for the fam & an early mother's day gift was spot on what I needed. <3
- Celebrating with other moms on FRIDAY at Collected Thread for Mother's Day.
- sleeping in on SATURDAY
- celebrating our mothers on SUNDAY! We're so thankful both of our families live close and we were able to SEE and celebrate with each side.

you may have missed:
Respecting the culture of others: Native American inspired trends
> Fern's 2 year old photo shoot

links lately:
+Drawing eyebrows on babies will not disappoint you.
+A series of the best cat photos EVER. 100 of them.
+This Mother's Day picnic inspiration with the most beautiful family (inside and out) I've ever had the pleasure of knowing & one of my favorite OKC photographers.


found via pinterest: garden spells
Lately all of my inspiration involves our new home we're preparing to move into. We found out last week that instead of the end of July, we'll be moving at the beginning of June! WE'RE SO EXCITED! And now I'm obsessed with daydreaming about things to fill our new space with. On the list: my very own herb garden! We're renting, so I've been exploring great ways to create gardens for small rented spaces. There's so much out there. eeeeep! fresh basil! yes please!

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