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purple hair. red lips. closed shoppe. new home. oil pulling.

It's so strange, it was only Monday when I announced that I was "slowing down a bit". In the 3 days between then and now, I feel there's so much I need to update you on.
+ First of all, my hair is preeeeeetty lavender now. (as requested)  I'm pretty much in love with it completely and may never change it again. Except to grow it out. My goal is to have lavender mermaid hair. (also it inspired me to buy red-lipstick, which has never looked good on me, but I have to admit I LOVE IT!)

+ The shoppe is now closed until further notice. I put the last 5 cloud mobiles up for sale, and after they sold (the very next day!!) I put 'er on vacation mode. I'm not sad yet, because I'm buried in orders I have to get out, but once there's a calm and no more orders, I know I'll really miss it. I'm excited to finish my class so that I can have time to re-open the shop. Plus I'm planning a new addition to the shoppe for when it re-opens, and I can't wait to have some fresh things to offer you. It's a good and exciting season indeed.

+ I re-budgeted, as I mentioned I needed to do. I love budgeting. holy cow, being organized is like a drug for me. Due to our extreme organization, and budgeting skills- we'll be looking for a new house to rent this spring/summer! You CAN'T know how excited I am about that. Our very own space? Hallelujah!

+ T & I are trying this oil pulling thing that's ALL THE RAGE right now. Seriously. In one day I feel like I went from never hearing of it before to seeing it eeeeeverywhere. I've done some asking around and reading up, and I really can't see any negative to trying it. So we're going to give it a whirl. I'll update you on how it works for us after we've used it for a week. Have any of you tried it before?

I think that's about all the updating I have for today. Off to work on orders!

I like that I blogged today because I wanted to, and not because I needed to. It's a great day.

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