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The restoring powers of Sunday

I love Sundays. I love Sundays because I always get time with my two favorite people in the WORLD. Plus the weather is AMAZING right now, and we can play and laugh outside, and breathe fresh air, and be silly, and smell like dirt and sweat, and fun. aaah. Sunday is my drink of cool water, it's what energizes me for the week to come. Because being a stay at home mom is hard, and honsetly, by the time the weekend comes I'm just barely hanging on. 
I read this post on "asking the right questions" by Momastery. This particular paragraph felt like she was speaking through my soul. 

"When Craig returned each day at 6:00 he’d walk through the door, smile, and say– “So! How was your day?”This question was like a spotlight pointed directly at the  chasm between his experience of a “DAY” and my experience of a “DAY.”  How was my day?The question would linger in the air for a moment while I stared at Craig and the baby shoved her hand in my mouth like they do –  while the oldest screamed MOMMY I NEED HELP POOING from the bathroom and the middle one cried in the corner because I NEVER EVER EVER let her drink the dishwasher detergent. NOT EVER EVEN ONCE, MOMMY!!! And I’d look down at my spaghetti stained pajama top, unwashed hair, and gorgeous baby on my hip – and my eyes would wander around the room, pausing to notice the toys peppering the floor and the kids’ stunning new art on the fridge . . .
And I’d want to say:
How was my day? Today has been a lifetime. It was the best of times and the worst of times. There were moments when my heart was so full I thought I might explode, and there were other moments when my senses were under such intense assault that I was CERTAIN I’d explode. I was both lonely and absolutely desperate to be alone. I was saturated- just BOMBARDED with touch and then the second I put down this baby I yearned to smell her sweet skin again. I was simultaneously bored out of my skull and completely overwhelmed with so much to do. Today was too much and not enough. It was loud and silent. It was brutal and beautiful. I was at my very best today and then, just a moment later, at my very worst. At 3:30 today I decided that we should adopt four more children, and then at 3:35 I decided that we should give up the kids we already have for adoption. Husband – when your day is completely and totally dependent upon the moods and needs and schedules of tiny, messy, beautiful rug rats your day is ALL OF THE THINGS and NONE OF THE THINGS, sometimes within the same three minute period. But I’m not complaining. This is not a complaint, so don’t try to FIX IT. I wouldn’t have my day Any.Other.Way. I’m just saying- it’s a hell of a hard thing to explain- an entire day with lots of babies"

Right?!?!  spot on. and I only have one. One that I am SO eternally grateful for... a whole lot of the time.

Here's to making it to Sunday.

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