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105 things I'll teach my daughter:

Photo by Katie Begley Photography

I saw this article on "thought catalogue" last week that was titled "101 things I will teach my daughters". I totally agreed with most, would've replaced a lot, and disagreed with a few- but it inspired me to write my own.

Here is my list of things I'll teach MY daughter(s)
a good deal of this list is copied from the original post. Some is my own. Some is re-worded. It's a good list.

[1] Chocolate is only a temporary fix.
[2] A properly-fitting bra is not a luxury. It is a necessity.
[3] Your happiness is your happiness, and yours alone.
[4] How to apply red lipstick
[5] How to wear the crap out of red lipstick
[6] A boyfriend does not validate your existence.
[7] When you find love don't run from it.
[8] Eat the extra slice of pizza.
[9] Love the world unconditionally.
[10] Seek beauty in all things
[11] Wear what makes you feel gracefully at ease
[12] Buy your friends dinner when you can
[13] Send letters to people you care about without an occasion
[14] Wear sunscreen like it's your second job.
[15] Try with all your might to keep in contact with far-away friends
[16] Dye your hair a crazy color. any crazy color.
[17] Make the world feel at ease around you.
[18] Walk with your head up
[19] Order a cheeseburger on the first date if you want to.
[20] Drive with the windows down whenever possible.
[21] Don't be afraid of credit cards.
[22] Your GPA is not a confession of your character.
[23] There is strength in breaking down.
[24] Explore all different religions & figure out for yourself what you believe in.
[25] Believe in something.
[26] You don't have to like yoga
[27]  Pick a perfume. Spray once.
[28] Wear heels if you want to, even if you're tall. Even if your S.O. is shorter than you.
[29] Classy is a relative term.
[30] Drink whiskey if you like whiskey.
[31] Drink wine if you like wine.
[32] There's really nothing cool, cute, or classy at all about smoking. It's bad for your health, it turns your teeth yellow, and it makes you stink. Don't do it. 
[33] Like what you like and offer no explanation.
[34] You are no less of a woman when you're in sweats and gym shoes than a woman in stilettos and a pencil skirt.
[35] Love your fellow woman with all your heart and soul.
[36] Cry, uninhibited, with your friends.
[37] Laugh until you can't breathe with your friends.
[38] Tell me everything.
[39] Exercise to be strong and healthy. A beautiful soul needs a sturdy vessel.
[40] There is no shame in hoping for love.
[41] Marry a man who will be as good of a father as your father is.
[42] It's okay to say no to a man who is less than your dream.
[43] My cooking is the best cooking.
[44] Do not take sex lightly.
[45] I mean it.
[46] Anna Karenina. I'd like it if you read it.
[47] The world spins on the principle of inherent tragedy. Don't be blind to it.
[48] Men are effectively idiots until the age of 26.
[49] Carbohydrates are not the enemy.
[50] Try new things. Find something to be involved in.
[51] Listen to classical music occasionally
[52] Take hot baths
[53] Take bubble baths
[54] Do not use bath salts
[55] You are more than capable. I promise.
[56] Don't smile if you don't mean it.
[57] Mean your anger. Mean your sadness. Mean your pain.
[58] I am always, always listening.
[59] Travel.
[60] Get stuck in a foreign country with $4.67 in your account.
[61] Make me furious.
[62] Make me worry.
[63] Take a lot of risks.
[64] Come home smelly, tired, and with a good story.
[65] Your story isn't really yours, You are a compilation of others' stories.
[66] Well-fitting and modest is ALWAYS sexier than too small and tight.
[67] It's too much eyeliner if you have to ask.
[68] Learn to bake for when you're sad and I'm not there.
[69] Humility and subservience are not synonyms.
[70] Be gentle with your skin
[71] Literature is really cool.
[72] Read. consistently.
[73] Don't stop learning.
[74] Discover skill share classes.
[75] There is no substitute for fresh air
[76] That salad is not better than pasta and it never will be.
[77] Find at least three green vegetables you can tolerate.
[78] A smoothie is not a meal.
[79] Learn about healthy eating.
[80] Eat dessert.
[81] Expect the best from everyone.
[82] People will let you down.
[83] Take trips to the beach.
[84] Make a bucket list
[85] Achieve that bucket list.
[86] There is a certain kind of man you need to avoid at all costs. You'll know it when you meet him.
[87] What other people say is right doesn't always feel right.
[88] Go with your gut. What feels right is where your happiness is.
[89] Give thoughtful gifts.
[90] Form an opinion
[91] Stick to it.
[92] Exfoliation in moderation.
[93] Just because you don't agree with someone doesn't mean you have a right to argue.
[94] If it's worth fighting for, fight fiercely.
[95] Be respectful to everyone.
[96] Nobody owes you anything. You are entitled to nothing.
[97] Work hard for what you have.
[98] Take photos of everything.
[99] Be nostalgic.
[100] Make mix tapes.
[101] Follow your bliss at all costs.
[102] Be independent.
[103] Know that being independent doesn't mean you can't ask for help.
[104] Always ask me if you need help.
[105] Chocolate ice cream may be a permanent fix.
click here for original post


Zoo weekend

Tristan and I have been talking about how excited we were to take Fern to the zoo this year for MONTHS. We took her last year, but she was so little. Could barely walk- wasn't really into the animals. VERY short attention span. This winter she learned all the animals and what they say. Her favorite is the elephant. Every time she walks by the vacuum cleaner, she grabs the hose and makes an elephant noise. Lucky us, our zoo just put in a new elephant observatory. (and it's pretty darn nice!) I've been meaning to find time to go, but it's been pushed back in the back of my mind.

Last week, Fern and I went to the lake with my family for a few days of spring break. Tristan couldn't come because he had work. :( We really missed him. BUT! Turns out, the little sneak worked overtime (deep into the dark hours) while we were gone so that he could take off early on Friday and surprise us with a zoo trip! What a guy. I tell ya.
We had such a great time. We have a great zoo. We didn't get to do everything we wanted, but we stayed for JUST enough time. 2 hours with an (almost) two year old is way enough. way way. enough. I'm excited to go back, though- We missed stingray bay and the children's zoo. Here's a few photos we did get to take <3

We had such a great time. I can't wait to go back for phase 2! :)


Happy Blogiversary Melissa!

 I can't even remember How I stumbled on Melissa's blog initially. I'm sure it was from blog hopping. But Fawn Over Baby was one of the VERY first blogs I started following after starting a blog of my own. From the get-go Melissa has been not only a source of insane inspiration in the department of all things baby, but also one of the sweetest friends I've had the pleasure of making in this blogosphere. I'm so excited to spread the word (and be involved!) in her first year of blogging, and celebrating it today! Melissa is giving away A STASH of prizes to FOUR lucky winners! Now that's the stuff! Check out the prizes below, and enter at the bottom of the page!

Prize 1 & 2Baby & Nursery Product Package

Courtesy Of The Following Shops:
Winner 1 will receive:
Winner 2 will receive:

Prize #3$50 Paypal Cash
Courtesy of the following Blogs:

Prize 4: A Bella Lulu Ink Blogger Template
Courtesy of Bella Lulu Ink (Fawn Over Baby's Official Blog Designer)

Giveaway Entry Form
Now that we've seen all the wonderful prizes, here is your chance to win them!! Please Follow Entry Instructions Below:
  1. You must first leave a comment letting us know which prize you have your eye on! (First Entry..Done!)
  2. For Extra Entries, you may fill out the lovely rafflecopter form below.
  3. Giveaway will end Thursday, March 20th - 12PM EST. 
  4. Winners will be chosen randomly and announced, Friday, March 21st!
  5. All Winners' Entries Will Be Verified (If Entry Action is not complete - prize will go to next randomly chosen contestant)
  6. Feel Free To Share With Family & Friends!
  7. Have Fun & Good Luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


life lately: "how do you get so many great photos of your kid"

somebody once asked me "how do you always get so many great photos of Fern?"

my answer is this:
I get 10x as many pictures like this... You just gotta get all paprazi on your kid, and usually 1 out of 100 turn out pretty gosh darn wonderful. (but the take outs are pretty special too)


The restoring powers of Sunday

I love Sundays. I love Sundays because I always get time with my two favorite people in the WORLD. Plus the weather is AMAZING right now, and we can play and laugh outside, and breathe fresh air, and be silly, and smell like dirt and sweat, and fun. aaah. Sunday is my drink of cool water, it's what energizes me for the week to come. Because being a stay at home mom is hard, and honsetly, by the time the weekend comes I'm just barely hanging on. 
I read this post on "asking the right questions" by Momastery. This particular paragraph felt like she was speaking through my soul. 

"When Craig returned each day at 6:00 he’d walk through the door, smile, and say– “So! How was your day?”This question was like a spotlight pointed directly at the  chasm between his experience of a “DAY” and my experience of a “DAY.”  How was my day?The question would linger in the air for a moment while I stared at Craig and the baby shoved her hand in my mouth like they do –  while the oldest screamed MOMMY I NEED HELP POOING from the bathroom and the middle one cried in the corner because I NEVER EVER EVER let her drink the dishwasher detergent. NOT EVER EVEN ONCE, MOMMY!!! And I’d look down at my spaghetti stained pajama top, unwashed hair, and gorgeous baby on my hip – and my eyes would wander around the room, pausing to notice the toys peppering the floor and the kids’ stunning new art on the fridge . . .
And I’d want to say:
How was my day? Today has been a lifetime. It was the best of times and the worst of times. There were moments when my heart was so full I thought I might explode, and there were other moments when my senses were under such intense assault that I was CERTAIN I’d explode. I was both lonely and absolutely desperate to be alone. I was saturated- just BOMBARDED with touch and then the second I put down this baby I yearned to smell her sweet skin again. I was simultaneously bored out of my skull and completely overwhelmed with so much to do. Today was too much and not enough. It was loud and silent. It was brutal and beautiful. I was at my very best today and then, just a moment later, at my very worst. At 3:30 today I decided that we should adopt four more children, and then at 3:35 I decided that we should give up the kids we already have for adoption. Husband – when your day is completely and totally dependent upon the moods and needs and schedules of tiny, messy, beautiful rug rats your day is ALL OF THE THINGS and NONE OF THE THINGS, sometimes within the same three minute period. But I’m not complaining. This is not a complaint, so don’t try to FIX IT. I wouldn’t have my day Any.Other.Way. I’m just saying- it’s a hell of a hard thing to explain- an entire day with lots of babies"

Right?!?!  spot on. and I only have one. One that I am SO eternally grateful for... a whole lot of the time.

Here's to making it to Sunday.


a mom with tattoos.

At the beginning of February a sweet blogger friend of mine started a segment featuring tattoos. I was beyond honored when she asked me to part of it, having only had glimpses of my ink via instagram sneak peeks. I realized that I had never really shown this part of myself to many of you readers before, so I thought I would cook you up a little post on the ink I have on my body.

you can read the full interview on my tattoos here at colie + the mister.


purple hair. red lips. closed shoppe. new home. oil pulling.

It's so strange, it was only Monday when I announced that I was "slowing down a bit". In the 3 days between then and now, I feel there's so much I need to update you on.
+ First of all, my hair is preeeeeetty lavender now. (as requested)  I'm pretty much in love with it completely and may never change it again. Except to grow it out. My goal is to have lavender mermaid hair. (also it inspired me to buy red-lipstick, which has never looked good on me, but I have to admit I LOVE IT!)

+ The shoppe is now closed until further notice. I put the last 5 cloud mobiles up for sale, and after they sold (the very next day!!) I put 'er on vacation mode. I'm not sad yet, because I'm buried in orders I have to get out, but once there's a calm and no more orders, I know I'll really miss it. I'm excited to finish my class so that I can have time to re-open the shop. Plus I'm planning a new addition to the shoppe for when it re-opens, and I can't wait to have some fresh things to offer you. It's a good and exciting season indeed.

+ I re-budgeted, as I mentioned I needed to do. I love budgeting. holy cow, being organized is like a drug for me. Due to our extreme organization, and budgeting skills- we'll be looking for a new house to rent this spring/summer! You CAN'T know how excited I am about that. Our very own space? Hallelujah!

+ T & I are trying this oil pulling thing that's ALL THE RAGE right now. Seriously. In one day I feel like I went from never hearing of it before to seeing it eeeeeverywhere. I've done some asking around and reading up, and I really can't see any negative to trying it. So we're going to give it a whirl. I'll update you on how it works for us after we've used it for a week. Have any of you tried it before?

I think that's about all the updating I have for today. Off to work on orders!

I like that I blogged today because I wanted to, and not because I needed to. It's a great day.


Weekly Wishes || March

It's the first of the month, and that means that "weekly wishes" are turning into "wishes for the month".
I've really been thinking a lot about what this month should entail, and I think I've got some pretty big kahunas to tackle. (what does that even mean?)
This month, my goals look like this:

-take a break from the shoppe
-slow down on blogging
-mark at least 1 thing off of my 30 before 30 list
-make a new budget
-plan a staycation with my love

the explinations:

The shoppe: After a great amount of tossing and turning with the decision to close shoppe, I've finally decided to do so. Temporarily for now, but until further notice. It's been so challenging being a stay at home mom, finding time to keep up with orderes, AND doing online classes, not to mention just taking time out of the day to sit and be with my family.  There just aren't enough hours in the day and something needs to give. I've been, just so incredibly thankful for everyone who's been ordering lately- the shoppe has picked up and really been rolling. I've had more customers last month, than I think I did all year last year. It's amazing. I love it so much, but at the moment, I just don't have the time or the man power for that. I want to enjoy my business, not feel like it's drowning me. I want my customers to feel like they're really being given my all instead of me just scrambling to get everything done and shipped out. So. The decision has been made. This month (after a "last call" of sorts) I'll close up shoppe for the time being.

The blog: I've also decided that I need to slow down on the blogging front. This doesn't mean I'll be away or absent in any way. I'm still going to keep blogging, it may just be cut down to once a week, or here or there. I think I'll probably take a break from all link-ups this month, just at least to get back on top of things. I think it'll be refreshing.

The rest: The other things don't need much of an explination. Tristan's pay is now different from last year and we just need to sit down together and map it all out. I also said I was going to play a "staycation" last week, but when it comes down to it, I think we just need more time to do something like that- so that didn't get done.