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"If joy were a color, it would be purple pastel pretty."

It order to show off Jordyn's mad hair stylin' skills, we came together at the begnning of February and decided to collaborate, and bring you into the middle of it. Jordyn was to do my hair, and YOU GUYS were to decide the color. After weeks of agonizing back and forth on the poll, you all voted "LAVENDER!".  SO fun! During the poll I got a lot of comments that said things like "you're braver than me!" "So fun, but I could never do lavender!". So we decided that we'd take it slow, It's a process, anyway, getting your hair to go from as dark as my natural color is, to as blonde as we needed it to take the lavender well. We really wanted to show you guys how NOT scary this is, and how you can play with fun colors in a totally subtle way. We WILL be adding more lavender in the future, just for fun's sake- but we thought it was important to show this side of crazy colors as well.
Here's a little photo of the before and after:
Jordyn did AMAZING. Especially with getting my hair to go from dark brown to light blonde in this short period of time without frying it right off. I've done a home job bleach before when I was way younger and it did NOT turn out this way. I was so impressed, and I really respect her as a hairstylist for knowing how far to stretch it in one sitting without really screwing my hair up. I just can't get over over how soft and shiny my hair is after all that bleach! She really did amazing. 
If any of you locals are looking for a great hairdresser, I would highly recommend Jordyn. She's totally professional, sweet, and one of the most stylish ladies I know. She's also giving any of my readers 15% off of their first session with her. That's an awesome deal! We're working on a business facebook page for her, but until then you can find her here:

So what do you say, readers? 
Color can be totally NOT scary

but now.. how about a little more purple? yeah? 

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