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Every good and perfect gift is from above.

I have been a stress monster lately. This is no secret. I get frustrated easily, grumpy, annoyed at silly things. On top of that I've been neglecting my personal time with God, which always seems to contribute to the previously mentioned attitude. I haven't been "in the mood" to pray, or read. Somehow He has a way of getting through to you, even if you are neglecting Him. That's how I know he loves more than I can comprehend. He and my fiance are the only two that give me more grace than I deserve, and I know T's grace comes from the Lord. 

I was actually just going through photos on my camera this morning and I ran across this one. I remember being in one of my bad moods when I took it. Fern was just captivated by those leaves hanging down and I wanted to get a shot of T lifting her up to touch them. I was annoyed because I didn't get the shot I had imagined in my head, and as one year olds do, she lost interest fairly quickly and T's arms were getting tired. I guess because I was so focused on the shot lost, I didn't even see this sweet genuine photo I did get. This morning as I found this photo I couldn't help but think of this verse. "Every good and perfect gift is from above" James 1:17 Sometimes I can't fathom how completely blessed I am because of how pig headed I can be. Such a grump sometimes, and a total control freak. Still, I have this beautiful family who loves me through it. I'm afraid I've been missing the beautiful moments that God organically provides while trying to stage happy days myself. My depth is so shallow sometimes. Forgive me for being the worst version of myself, Lord. 

This photo will forever be a sweet reminder to me. 

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