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We're breaking up...

A couple weeks ago I was reading my sister-in-law's blog post about slowing down. One thing in particular that really resonated with me, was a particular challenge she gave herself at the end of the post. That challenge was "No phone in the front seat of my car – I don’t need to check it at every stoplight or when traffic is at a standstill." It hit me that I do this ALL the time, and it never even occurred to me that I could be spending my time better in the front seat, having good conversation with my husband.. who is just sitting there driving. How rude of me!
With that in mind, the next time Tristan & I went for a drive, I put my phone in the little slot in the door handle so It wasn't sitting there in my hands tempting me. Let me tell you, I didn't even know I had failed my own test until I was putting it back down again. SERIOUSLY. Did I seriously just pick up my phone, to refresh my instagram feed? Were those 2 new photos from people I don't even know so important that I had to see them immediately? I probably didn't even "like" them. I couldn't tell you, because I don't even remember what they were. It happened that fast.  That's when I knew I had a problem. 

Ladies and Gentlemen... The universe, the technology gods, God himself... whoever you feel should have the credit.. has been nagging at me ever since to break up with my cell phone.Lately Fern has been crawling into my lap everytime I'm on my phone and grabbing my face and kissing it. It's a clear call for attention that's being given in the wrong direction. Last night my friend Sara posted this awesome article about a man "divorcing his cell phone".  So good, together Sara and I made a resolution (but not a new years resolution, because I don't do those) to together, make the effort to break up with our cell phones. Then, this morning, I saw this incredibly and painfully accurate video about not living in the moment... due to cell phones of course. OR how about this post titled "why you're destined to fall in love with bots"   hellllllll no. 

Social media is such a big part of blogging, not to mention I have an entire shop of gently used kids clothes being sold on instagram. I'm not saying throw your phone in the trash and get off the grid Ron Swanson style. I would LOVE to get rid of my iphone, and go back to a simple phone.. one that isn't "smart". I'd love to use it for calls and texting and that's it. I'd love to have a small ipad, for recipes, and catching up on blogs, and instagram. Well I don't have an ipad, and I don't have a free upgrade right now, so I'm making do with what I have. 
I've delted all social networks, games, whatever other time wasters I may have from my phone. I'm keeping instagram, for above stated purposes, but I'm simply signing out. I realized, it's out of habit that I refresh my feed on instagram, not because I NEED to see new photos ASAP! I just do. muscle memory or something, I don't know. So I've signed out. When I need to post a new photo, I'll sign in. and then sign right back out again. This will be done during naptime, and when Fern is at MDO. I won't be on social media when my husband is home. He deserves my attention. I won't be on social media at the dinner table, or out with friends. THEY DESERVE MY ATTENTION. Truth be told, any human being to cross my path, be it the mayor of Oklahoma City ;) or a homeless man looking for change, they ALL deserve my complete attention before any phone does. 

My phone is a tool. I'll use it to call my mother, to text my friends, to figure out how to get from point A to point B. But my phone is not my friend. I refuse to allow it to take attention away from people I care about. I also refuse to fall in love with a bot.. soo...

This is my "not new years resolution. "

See you all at nap-time! 

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