I'm so excited to introduce you to my beautiful, wonderful, magnificent, friend Tillie.
You may remember Tillie from this previous post I did about Paleo.
Here's the story behind how I know this wonderful human being:
You may recall that years ago, I lived in New Zealand. Tillie the Great is from the equally great country of New Zealand. You would THINK that would be how we became friends. You're right, in a round about way- but not as obviously as you would think. Tillie didn't live in my city, but we had some of the same friends. You know the way social networking works. We knew of each other and may have met a few times, but we got close over a year after I moved back to the states, when Tillie, and her friend Rosie, were doing a drive through tour across the states. They stopped in to stay with Tristan and I, and the rest is history. Instant friends. I couldn't resist her charms. This lady is so giving, so inspiring, and has such a vision of beauty. I haven't SEEN my sweet friend since she left on her way to continue her stateside road trip, but we've kept very close ever since. I've loved keeping up with her (new since I last saw her) Paleo diet, her new love and their VERY NEW great adventure of moving to Australia together, and just the genuine joy her daily happenings bring via her blog.
You're actually, probably familiar with Tillie's design work without even knowing it. Tillie created my Moons & Junes logo, designed my wedding invitations, and also designed the "thank you" postcards we're working on to send to everybody who contributed to our wedding in one way or another.
To say the least- I really like this girl's style.
So many of you are wonderful friends I've met through this blogging community. That's the main reason I'm excited to share Tillie with you. I just know that you'll love her as much as I do, and I know that most of you are in this for the relationship building part. Let me just give you a freebee- this girl is gold. I encourage all of you to hop on over to her part of the blogging universe and drop a little hello!
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