1. Buy a house
2. Have a second baby
3. Get married
4. Open a storefront
5. learn to sew.
6. Learn to dance.
7. Grow a garden.
8. Eat out of the garden.
9. Get a gym membership... and use it!
10. Keep my house plants alive. (I killed a cactus last summer!)
11. Have a real Christmas tree in the house.
12. Have a proper studio for my creations.
13. Get to my 1000th blog follower. (this seems like such a far stretch at this point)
14. Fly in a hot air balloon.
15. Get my kicks on Rout66 :) I want to take a roadtrip through the country.
16. Ride the train to Dallas
17. Limit eating out to twice a week.
18. Make a list of books to read. (minimum of 30 books)
19. Read the list of books.
20. Learn to make apple butter.
21. Start communicating with out of state/country friends through handwritten letters and packages.
22. Get rooted in our church. Be part of a community.
23. See a ballet.
24. Take Fern to New Zealand to see my old friends.
25. Be featured on somebody else's blog.
26. Have a booth at a local craft show.
27. Increase my product list to 5 varieties. ie: mobiles, dreamcatchers.... etc.
28.Sell my first item on etsy.
29. Own an english bulldog.
30. Host Thanksgiving dinner.
3. Get married
4. Open a storefront
5. learn to sew.
6. Learn to dance.
7. Grow a garden.
8. Eat out of the garden.
9. Get a gym membership... and use it!
10. Keep my house plants alive. (I killed a cactus last summer!)
11. Have a real Christmas tree in the house.
12. Have a proper studio for my creations.
13. Get to my 1000th blog follower. (this seems like such a far stretch at this point)
14. Fly in a hot air balloon.
15. Get my kicks on Rout66 :) I want to take a roadtrip through the country.
16. Ride the train to Dallas
17. Limit eating out to twice a week.
19. Read the list of books.
21. Start communicating with out of state/country friends through handwritten letters and packages.
22. Get rooted in our church. Be part of a community.
23. See a ballet.
24. Take Fern to New Zealand to see my old friends.
25. Be featured on somebody else's blog.
26. Have a booth at a local craft show.
27. Increase my product list to 5 varieties. ie: mobiles, dreamcatchers.... etc.
29. Own an english bulldog.
30. Host Thanksgiving dinner.
I get to tick one off! I get to tick one off! Above is my 30 before 30 list, and slowly but surely I'm ticking them off the list.
A couple of my very favorite ladies didnt get to attend my (very last minute) bachelorette party. Which consisted of bottles of wine, dance music in Marek's living room, and falling asleep to "Bridesmaids". Party Animals. Since they weren't able to make it, they thought it would be nice to hop on my 30 before 30 list and have a little girl time doing one of the things on my list. Well wouldn't you know it, Brooke makes rosemary apple butter every year. She's a regular Ree Drumond in the kitchen.
It was such a wonderful evening. I just love spending time with those girls, and it was so special that they took the time and thought to mark something off of my list.
I got a babysitter for Fern, we met at Brookes house and got to work. Our blood (mostly Jordan's), sweat and tears (of laughter) went into that apple butter, and what a rewarding labor it was! I'm forever grateful for those ladies.
In the end, it wasn't even that I got to mark something off of my list, or learn a new recipe, or even that I know how to can things without all the expensive gadgets... It was about my sweet friends making memories with me before I was a married woman. Taking time and energy to do something special for and with me. Gosh I'm blessed.
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