I'd like to take the time to introduce you lovely readers to an etsy shop by The Hibbens. (Name sound familiar? It's because they did these) This shop is so fantastic! Some people just have an eye for finding old treasures don't they? The Hibben's do, and that's exactly what their etsy shop "Junklahoma" is all about. They weed through all of the flea markets, and antique stores, and thrift shops around Oklahoma, and find the BEST loot, often times repurposing them, or fixing them up a bit. I've picked out a couple of my favorites that I've had my eye on since their opening not long ago.
1. Hello Chalk Bubble
2. Double Cola Soda Crate with Legs
I'd put that Hello Chalk Bubble in Fern's room and write her sweet messages or verses of encouragement. I'd put the Soda Crate in our Living room and use it as a catchall. I think It'd look sweet in the space under our TV stand. I love hearing about everyone else's style. Visit Junklahoma and tell me what your favorite items are, or what you'd use them for!
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